Worldwide, thousands of people were abroad from their Country of Residence when Covid -19 infected their Country.
Whether your destination abroad is on the map above or not.
Covid -19 Disease soon turned into an International, worldwide pandemic, which affected almost every Country in the world.
The Covid -19 pandemic was a time of great unknown for everyone, especially anyone abroad from their home country or place of residence. I can only begin to imagine the thoughts which ran through your mind of being abroad, at the beginning of the pandemic.
For the first time in history Asia, Europe, North and South America and the Pacific Nations. At the same time, were all facing a disease the world had never seen before.
Through out history the world has had many infectious diseases. HIV, EBOLA, MERS, SMALLPOX, SCARS, DENGUE and others. However, the rapid infectious complexity of Covid-19 was unlike other disease.
A combined declaration, a union amongst Nations were the only medical solution to combat the unknown of Covid – 19.
Mask, Social Distancing, Hand Sanitizing and Total Lockdown of our Boarders, were universally recommended by each infected Nation, to reduce the rapid spread to the disease.
All 4 recommendations were not easy adjustments to make. However, seeing the death toll climbing daily by the thousands, made it easier for Citizens to become motivated to comply with our Government Health officials to fight against the rapid growth of the disease.
When the Pandemic struck an area, a State or a Country. The term, “Double Trouble,” fell upon anyone abroad away from home at that time.
Most difficult of the 4 recommendations were the “Total Lock Down of International Boarders.”
I am certain that anyone who was outside their Country of Citizenship or Residence, had a greater sense of urgency, rather than just the urgency to get home to be with family and loved ones.
Instead, the urgency of Immigration Status in that Country. The question what’s my status in this Country? had to be a question which weighed heavily on your mind.
The Pandemic triggered a lockdown a travel ban, which came with concerns of Legal Status, Visa Extension, cost of living abroad and other related expenses.
For all unusual experiences you endured during the pandemic, away from your family and especially with the travel band. I wish you a speedy resolution from these troubling matters.
As you unite with your family, may each day be more cherished as you behold them in your eyes and hug them in your arms. Precious are those moments.
I trust that at this time, all is well with you and your family.
Keeping our mind on what’s good, true and positive, be safe and stay healthy; until you are able to return home.
Warmest Regards,
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